Oh man, I've been so tired lately!!!! Not much going on just kids, work, and stitching! I had to put in a readmission form to take that class. I may just go in the fall because I'm not sure if I'm going to make the deadline to sign up. Who knows. I know I'm just making excuses, but to be honest I'm dreading taking a class. I think it's just the anticipation of it and once I'm in it I'll be fine. I just worry a lot. I really need to finish school, so I can make some real money for once!!! I'm tired of all the bills, and not having any extra! Oh well, I know I'll look back and laugh. And it's just money right... we have our health and each other, thankfully! What more do we need??
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Stitcher's Five
1. Do you keep a wishlist?
Yes, I have a personal one and one the PALs BB
2. If so how many items are on it?
Oh, at least 10 or so...
3. Name three of those items
Shepherd's Bush - Shepherd's Purse, Beardie Designs Tulip Accessories and Tulip Pouch.
4. Do you let other people see it?
The one on PALs BB I do.
5. How often do you add to it?
I add to my personal one often, I often forget all about the Pals one! :)
1. Do you keep a wishlist?
Yes, I have a personal one and one the PALs BB
2. If so how many items are on it?
Oh, at least 10 or so...
3. Name three of those items
Shepherd's Bush - Shepherd's Purse, Beardie Designs Tulip Accessories and Tulip Pouch.
4. Do you let other people see it?
The one on PALs BB I do.
5. How often do you add to it?
I add to my personal one often, I often forget all about the Pals one! :)
Monday, May 17, 2004
Thursday, May 13, 2004
A small finish!

It's Life's a Stitch by Lizzie Kate. I have always loved this design and decided to stitch it last night. It took just a few hours. Now, I think I'm going to baste my Three Friends tonight. Mindless work! LOL! I ordered the SB May Lamb, that will be my next project, I can't wait to receive it!! :) I also ordered 20 flowers scissor case by Just Nan. I think it's so pretty! I can't wait to receive that one also! I'm a little scared of the finishing work, but I'm going to try!! :) Well, not much else, I've just been so tired today!! I just had some coffee, so I'm hoping that will perk me up some. It could be all that late night stitching catching up with me too!! :)
I have been obsessed with the Lynn Turner trial. She is accused of killing her husband and boyfriend with anti-freeze. Her husband was a Cobb County police officer when he died. My husband is also a Cobb County police officer. So I just find it fascinating that if she hadn't done this, I could've possibly known her. My husband's friend was on the stand today testifing for the defense. Court TV has been showing it every day. Here's a link if anyone is interested... Lynn Turner Trial.
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to try to get some laundry done... I may need another cup of coffee!! :)

It's Life's a Stitch by Lizzie Kate. I have always loved this design and decided to stitch it last night. It took just a few hours. Now, I think I'm going to baste my Three Friends tonight. Mindless work! LOL! I ordered the SB May Lamb, that will be my next project, I can't wait to receive it!! :) I also ordered 20 flowers scissor case by Just Nan. I think it's so pretty! I can't wait to receive that one also! I'm a little scared of the finishing work, but I'm going to try!! :) Well, not much else, I've just been so tired today!! I just had some coffee, so I'm hoping that will perk me up some. It could be all that late night stitching catching up with me too!! :)
I have been obsessed with the Lynn Turner trial. She is accused of killing her husband and boyfriend with anti-freeze. Her husband was a Cobb County police officer when he died. My husband is also a Cobb County police officer. So I just find it fascinating that if she hadn't done this, I could've possibly known her. My husband's friend was on the stand today testifing for the defense. Court TV has been showing it every day. Here's a link if anyone is interested... Lynn Turner Trial.
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to try to get some laundry done... I may need another cup of coffee!! :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Yeah! I've finished the first panel of Three Friends tonight. I've done everything but the french knots. I'm going to wait until the end to put them in. Here's a pic...

And here's a pic of the over one section...

I'm trying to decide if I keep going, or put it away for now. I need to do a basting line, so I may work on that and then start on my weekend project. I'm going to try to stick with my rotation!!
Well, I think I might be taking a class this summer. American Government. I think it would be pretty intresting, especially during an election year!! I was going to go up to my dad's this summer, but I think Jake is still too young to fly and it's such a long drive that I'd rather just wait until next year. Well, I'm off to decide what I should do next. I should probably clean, yeah right!! LOL!

And here's a pic of the over one section...

I'm trying to decide if I keep going, or put it away for now. I need to do a basting line, so I may work on that and then start on my weekend project. I'm going to try to stick with my rotation!!
Well, I think I might be taking a class this summer. American Government. I think it would be pretty intresting, especially during an election year!! I was going to go up to my dad's this summer, but I think Jake is still too young to fly and it's such a long drive that I'd rather just wait until next year. Well, I'm off to decide what I should do next. I should probably clean, yeah right!! LOL!
My mom took the kids for a day and I was able to get a lot of stitching done!! I worked on my class project, Three Friends. I love how it's turning out. The picture on Elegant Stitch's website doesn't do it any justice! Here's my latest pic...
I've decided I'm going to try out a new rotation and see how it goes... I'm going to alternate weeks with my two big projects (TMOM and Three Friends). I will work on them Mon-Fri and then a small project on the weekend. I think this will help me feel more organized.
I also did some gardening yesterday. It's been long over due (about 2 years). We moved in a month before Jake was born, so I was pretty much busy with him for awhile and then I'll admit, it was pretty much laziness after that. I finally got motivated. I bought a couple bushes, a rose bush (my favorite minature pink roses) and some flowers. I need to get mulch and I'll be all set. It looks a little weak right now, but I'm sure once it get growing it will look pretty. Well, that's all for now!! Write soon! :)

I've decided I'm going to try out a new rotation and see how it goes... I'm going to alternate weeks with my two big projects (TMOM and Three Friends). I will work on them Mon-Fri and then a small project on the weekend. I think this will help me feel more organized.
I also did some gardening yesterday. It's been long over due (about 2 years). We moved in a month before Jake was born, so I was pretty much busy with him for awhile and then I'll admit, it was pretty much laziness after that. I finally got motivated. I bought a couple bushes, a rose bush (my favorite minature pink roses) and some flowers. I need to get mulch and I'll be all set. It looks a little weak right now, but I'm sure once it get growing it will look pretty. Well, that's all for now!! Write soon! :)
Monday, May 10, 2004
I got the border done on my first panel of Three Friends! Those little pinecones take practice! Here's the pic...

Well, I've been working a lot and I'm so tired! We were so short on help this weekend. Thankfully another coworker came in and they were so nice, they let me go home early last night. She didn't want to go home because she was getting overtime!! :)
Even though I had to work I had a pretty good mother's day. Chris bought be flowers and got me a card from and the kids. He also did the dishes and cleaned the refridgerator out. That was very nice!! :) Well, not much else going on! Write later! :)

Well, I've been working a lot and I'm so tired! We were so short on help this weekend. Thankfully another coworker came in and they were so nice, they let me go home early last night. She didn't want to go home because she was getting overtime!! :)
Even though I had to work I had a pretty good mother's day. Chris bought be flowers and got me a card from and the kids. He also did the dishes and cleaned the refridgerator out. That was very nice!! :) Well, not much else going on! Write later! :)
Thursday, May 06, 2004
OK, back again! :) Now I get to share what I bought! I was very good and stayed within my budget. I'm trying to now keep my clicky finger from being bad also because there's so much I'd like to order that I didn't get while I was there!!! Ok, for the stash...
Elegant Stitch T-shirt
Handmade Floss holder (2nd picture down)
DT Violet Sampler
18th Century Grape R&R hand-dyed linen
New Lizzie Kates
Little by Little Designs Quaker Strawberry
Eventide pincusion pattern (meant to get needleroll)
Weeks Dye Works Threads
1/2 skien of Caron Waterlilies for the Violet Sampler
More Gloriana Luminesence for TMOM
Olde Colonial pin cushion kit (Pins and Needles) with some very cool stork scissors.
Thread Drops - trying to find picture... these things are so cool!!
Well, I think that's it! That doesn't include all the goodies Lois gave us. I'm not telling anything about those until September though. I don't want to spoil it for anyone!! :) I'm off to get a little more stitching done before I can't hold my eyes open!
Elegant Stitch T-shirt
Handmade Floss holder (2nd picture down)
DT Violet Sampler
18th Century Grape R&R hand-dyed linen
New Lizzie Kates
Little by Little Designs Quaker Strawberry
Eventide pincusion pattern (meant to get needleroll)
Weeks Dye Works Threads
1/2 skien of Caron Waterlilies for the Violet Sampler
More Gloriana Luminesence for TMOM
Olde Colonial pin cushion kit (Pins and Needles) with some very cool stork scissors.
Thread Drops - trying to find picture... these things are so cool!!
Well, I think that's it! That doesn't include all the goodies Lois gave us. I'm not telling anything about those until September though. I don't want to spoil it for anyone!! :) I'm off to get a little more stitching done before I can't hold my eyes open!
Ok, I'm back with pics! :)
1.) My Drawn Thread class project - Three Friends...

2.) I worked on my TMOM a little bit while I was there...

3.) I finished Lizzie Kate's May flip-it block on the plane.. it was a nice small project that I didn't have to think about! :)
Well, I'm going to watch the Friends Finale and stitch on my class project some more! :) I'll write more soon!
1.) My Drawn Thread class project - Three Friends...

2.) I worked on my TMOM a little bit while I was there...

3.) I finished Lizzie Kate's May flip-it block on the plane.. it was a nice small project that I didn't have to think about! :)
Well, I'm going to watch the Friends Finale and stitch on my class project some more! :) I'll write more soon!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
I got back from my trip late Sunday night. It was so much fun!! :) Friday we (Shelley and I) staggered in to the Welcome party. We had some good appetizers and started shopping a little. We went back to our room and crashed about 8:30-9 pm.
We woke up about 6 am got ready, had some breakfast, and stitched a little. We went down to the classroom and it was already full with stitchers! We got our class piece and got our first instuctions about where to start and we got to work! About 12:30 pm we had a yummy lunch of salads, rolls and fresh strawberries. We then went back to stitching for a couple more hours. We met two nice ladies at our table, one was from New Hampshire (Dianne) and the other (Whitney) was from Alaska! The girl from Alaska offered to drive us to the shop and the dinner party in her convertable! It was so nice to be out in the hot California sun. We went to Elegant Stitch and shopped some more. I'll write more about what I bought later! :) After that it was a quick trip to target and then back to the room to freshen up for the party. We got to the party late and the appetizers were pretty much gone. Oh well, what was left was good... shrimp and little smokies. We ate in Lois's backyard, which was so pretty. The trees were tall and the grass soft, it couldn't have been a more perfect night. We then had dinner, chicken, cous cous, carrots and a roll. And Tiramisu for dessert. It was delicious! :)
We went back to our room and I had planned on stitching a little and I got stuck in the elevator for about 10 minutes. When the door finally opened, I got out quickly to take the stairs. Only the lady in there with me stayed and got stuck again!! This time for about 30 more minutes!! The fire department was called, and her and another lady got out safely. They were sweating because it was so hot in there, but otherwise fine. I felt so bad that I didn't take them with me! After that I went down and stitched a little bit and when went to bed about 11:30 (2:30 am, our time).
We woke up early again, Shelley before me. I ate breakfast with Dianne and then we went to our classroom to stitch some more. Cynthia the designer of Drawn Thread spent quite a bit of time with us talking about her designs and other things. And she even sat down next to me to knit. :) She showed us some of her future designs and they are just gorgeous! I can't wait until they're released!! :) Well, it was a wonderful weekend, and I didn't want it to end. I definitely came back to reality with Jake waking me up at 6:00 am the next day!! I will write more soon and post a progress pic of the class piece.
We woke up about 6 am got ready, had some breakfast, and stitched a little. We went down to the classroom and it was already full with stitchers! We got our class piece and got our first instuctions about where to start and we got to work! About 12:30 pm we had a yummy lunch of salads, rolls and fresh strawberries. We then went back to stitching for a couple more hours. We met two nice ladies at our table, one was from New Hampshire (Dianne) and the other (Whitney) was from Alaska! The girl from Alaska offered to drive us to the shop and the dinner party in her convertable! It was so nice to be out in the hot California sun. We went to Elegant Stitch and shopped some more. I'll write more about what I bought later! :) After that it was a quick trip to target and then back to the room to freshen up for the party. We got to the party late and the appetizers were pretty much gone. Oh well, what was left was good... shrimp and little smokies. We ate in Lois's backyard, which was so pretty. The trees were tall and the grass soft, it couldn't have been a more perfect night. We then had dinner, chicken, cous cous, carrots and a roll. And Tiramisu for dessert. It was delicious! :)
We went back to our room and I had planned on stitching a little and I got stuck in the elevator for about 10 minutes. When the door finally opened, I got out quickly to take the stairs. Only the lady in there with me stayed and got stuck again!! This time for about 30 more minutes!! The fire department was called, and her and another lady got out safely. They were sweating because it was so hot in there, but otherwise fine. I felt so bad that I didn't take them with me! After that I went down and stitched a little bit and when went to bed about 11:30 (2:30 am, our time).
We woke up early again, Shelley before me. I ate breakfast with Dianne and then we went to our classroom to stitch some more. Cynthia the designer of Drawn Thread spent quite a bit of time with us talking about her designs and other things. And she even sat down next to me to knit. :) She showed us some of her future designs and they are just gorgeous! I can't wait until they're released!! :) Well, it was a wonderful weekend, and I didn't want it to end. I definitely came back to reality with Jake waking me up at 6:00 am the next day!! I will write more soon and post a progress pic of the class piece.
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