1. How many have you framed on the wall?
2. How many do you have finished in other ways?
3. What was the most expenisve finishing?
I'm pretty cheap when it comes to framing or finishing I don't usually like to spend over $100 when it comes to one piece. I'd probably have to say the most expensive was Shepherd's Bush's Sailor's Collar, I bought the Jill Rensel mats and had it professionally framed. I wanted it for my son, so I went all out. Although my mom bought the mats, so I still didn't go over the $100 mark.
4. Have you finished anything yourself?
I've finished fobs, needlerolls and little pillows myself. I'm getting ready to finish a scissor case... scary!! I taught myself how to pin mount so I've framed several things myself.
5. Describe your favourite finished piece.
My favorite piece I framed myself is Shepherd's Bush's Queen Bee Sampler and my favorite unframed finished piece would have to be my Shepherd's Bush 2004 fob.
1. What is your most treasured needlework possession?
I treasure all my needlework, just ask my husband or kids!!! :) I'd say my most treasured needlework possession are my silver Dovo scissors that I received as a gift from my LNS. I love them!!
2. What is your greatest fear when doing needlework?
That when I'm taking out stitches that I'll cut a hole in the fabric, which I've actually done! Not fun!!
3. What is your greatest extravagance in needlework?
Going to California for the Drawn Thread class. It was worth every penny though!!!
4. What is your stitching motto?
It's not mine it's Diane Jourdan's of Sampler Cove... "When I can't stitch, I get so cross!"
5. What do you dislike most about your needlework?
Nothing!!! Well, I would like more time to stitch, but there's nothing I dislike about it!! :)
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