And I started the 2nd one tonight. I've been watching the Atlanta Braves double header against the Mets. They lost the first one. :( Hope they win the 2nd. Just in case your wondering I'm a HUGE Braves fan. :) I got playoff tickets for home games 1 and 3. I really hope they can make it to the NLCS this year! Go Braves! :)
Well, in other news... I've caught a cold, so I'm OD'd on Tylenol Cold. I hate being sick!! It's no fun! And I found out I have to work 34 hours next week! Yikes! It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't already have a full-time job at home with a 2 and 4 year old! Oh well, it's just one week. I'm making the schedule next week, so I'll be sure to give myself less hours along with a note to my manager that I can only handle about 20-24 hrs/week. And I'll leave out the fact that my knitting will suffer if she gives me more than that! LOL! :)
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