I got Gloria's right front done yesterday, now I just have to do the sleeves. I'm very happy with how it's coming out. I'm feeling very flighty... like I just can't settle down. Like I want to start something new, but I know I should finish some older projects first. By the way, I hate scarves! Remind me not to start another scarf! I'm working on two right now (ruffles and chevron), and I just can't seem to get them finished... I have such a short attention span. Maybe I have that Adult ADD! :) Well, here's a pic of gloria...

sorry it's not the greatest pictureWell, I may be going to the Cozzi-Cafe to knit tonight... hopefully I can get a couple people to go! It's been hard getting together because of work and then one week my mom had a migraine and then the next week I had one (herditary, can you tell?). So hopefully we can get it together tonight. Well, not much else... write more later!
Gloria is looking mighty fine. For some reason I just had a flashback to the 80s and Laura Branigan's song started rolling through my head.