First of all I don't think I ever mentioned that the guy who shot my husband was given 20 years by the judge. We were very happy about that. The judge said he wanted to make a point, and I'm very glad he did!
Second of all I have decided to go back part time. I was trying to think of everything I could to work out my schedule so I could be home with my son after school and at least one day during the weekend. I work retail, so it's pretty essential that I be there on the weekend. And especially essential since I was full time. Being full time meant my life was theirs and not my own. So in a way I took my life back. I changed my availability and told them I could no longer work Sundays. It will be less money, but I know I'll be happier. I'll just have to cut back on a few things each week, start cutting coupons, and buying less yarn (eek), but I'm determined to make it work. I'm also planning on putting a few things on eBay, and possibly start an eBay yarn store in the future to supplement my income. Like I said I'm determined!!! :) I said there were no pictures, but I have to post one, the reason for it all....