In other news... I went shopping today. First we went to IKEA. What a crazy madhouse!! They were having 15% off everything this weekend. I think everyone in Atlanta was there today. It was pretty cool to see everything though. We were pretty overwhelmed, it is so much bigger than I realized! After IKEA we went to Why Knot Knit. I was hoping to get the yarn for the vogue Debbie Bliss jacket, but they didn't have it all, so I got some other things instead....

Manos Del Uruguay - 113 Wildflowers

Rowan Felted Tweed - 150 Rage

Rowan Vintage Style

Salina from Vintage Style
The Rowan Tweed is for Salina in the Vintage Style and I got the Manos to make a cross hatch scarf. The pattern used to be available, but I guess it's going to be released in creative knitting magazine soon. I may have it stashed away in a binder of patterns I collected when I first started knitting.
edited to add: I found the scarf pattern and it was actually from Sheep in the City. Unfotunately it's no longer on her blog, so I can't give a link to the pattern.
Ok... I have a confession... I have serious startitus lately. I started the Scooped Necked Cardigan from Debbie Bliss's first Noro Book. I finished the back in no time at all and just started a front. I love that it's done sideways. Here's a pic of the back...

Noro Silk Garden - #34
Well, not much else! I'm just doing laundry now to get ready for Monday. Fun, fun! ;) Write more later....