1 skein of Manos del Uruguay (135 yards).
size H hook
ch 17
1st row - dc in 3rd ch, dc to the end (14 dc), ch 3, turn.
2nd row - skip 1st and 2nd dc, and dc in 3rd dc, *ch 1, skip one dc, dc in next dc*. *repeat until end. Ch 2, turn. There should be 6 "holes."
3rd row - dc in 1st dc, dc in hole, dc in next dc, repeat until the end, ch 3, turn.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until yarn is gone - if planning on doing fringe it may be a good idea to cut off what you need first.
ch - chain
dc - double crochet
This was definitely a fun and fast project! I may be giving it to one of my sister-in-law's or step mother for Christmas. Or I may just have to keep it for myself! :) Here's a couple pics...

Well, not much going on here. Just kids and work! I've been feeling pretty good. No morning sickness thankfully!! I just have been so tired!! I took a nap today, I could've slept and slept if it weren't for the kids needing something! :) Write more soon!!
I love this scarf! It gives me a good reason to crochet something since Im so knit obsessed! ;0)