Friday, May 05, 2006

American Girl Finished!

I finished the stitching on my American Girl! Now comes the fun part... the finishing! Yikes! Here's a couple of pics...

American Girl Finished
Brightneedle's American Girl.

american girl with fabric
American Girl with Fabric I'm thinking of using for the back.

Well, wish me luck! I'm going to look for batting and something to stick in the middle... mat board or something??


  1. Hi Nicole: Brightneedle's American Girl is just awesome. I have a few of the charts & have not done many (yet). Good luck with the finishing ... I'm sure whatever you decide will be perfect.

    I hope I am not confusing you with another Nicole ... I had a comment on my blog about the Game Board Sampler & was not able to track back the comment. So, if it wasn't you, I apologize in advance!!! If it was you -- I'm using 32-count lambswool linen. If you are interested in joining the SAL -- feel free. The idea is to stitch a square or two a week (i think) -- not many rules, just fun to stitch along with others.

    Enjoy the week-end!! lelia

  2. Congratulations Nicole, she's gorgeous

  3. Hi Nicole - I hope you will join us and stitch DT Game Board Sampler on Sundays! It's a no pressure SAL - we just try to stitch one or two squares each week and then post our progress on our blog.

    I'll stop back and visit your blog when I have more time to read it thoroughly. It's such a nice day here in MN that I need to head back outside!

  4. Oh its lovely, love your fabric choice for the finishing
