Monday, May 22, 2006

Not much stitching...

I was feeling so much pain and pressure yesterday that all I could do was lay down. I think it was from working the previous three days. It just wears me out! I work in a grocery store, so there is a lot of lifting, bagging, pushing of carts, etc. I don't always do that - sometimes I just count cash all night, which is not too much of a strain. I'll be so glad when I go down to two days a week and then when I go on maternity leave in July! I did get one house and some letters done on my Game Board Sampler. Here's a pic...

Gameboard Sampler as of 5/22/06

Well, not much else going on... just getting ready to take Jake to Mcdonalds. :) Write later!

Edited to add....

I got my Quaker Garden Fabric today - 32 ct. Lakeside Linen in Pear! It's so pretty!! Here's a picture with the threads...

32 ct. Lakeside Linen - Pear


  1. You are doing great on the Game Board Sampler. I didn't have time to stitch last night but will try to make some progress on it tonight.

    Take it easy...and rest up!

  2. Your Sampler Game Board looks wonderful!

  3. Take it easy, put your feet up if you can. Your sampler game board is looking great.

  4. Nice progress on your Game Board, I hope you get the opportunity to put your feet up.

  5. Hi Nicole: your sampler game board is excellent. you have so many squares completed : ) hope you are feeling ok today -- rest up!!
