Thursday, June 22, 2006

Finally Decided...

I finally decided what to start next - Blackbird Designs Quaker Garden - Loose Feather #19. Karen from My Favourite Things is coordinating a SAL starting in July. I decided to start a little early because I'd like to finish before the baby comes. Here's some pictures of my progress...

32 ct. Lakeside Linen - Pear
32 ct. Lakeside Linen in Pear, Sampler & Weeks threads.

Quaker Garden by Blackbird Designs
My progress with Pattern.

Quaker Garden
Close up of my progress.

I'm enjoying it so far! I love the linen the color and the feel - it's so nice.

My dh has to go back to Florida July 1st to take a polygraph test for the job he interviewed for. So I only work this Saturday and then my maternity leave starts. I'm so glad! I think we've finally decided on a name - Matthew Walter. Matthew because we both like it and Walter after dh's grandpa. He's being very active right now... wiggling and pushing on my ribs. He needs more room - I'm ready to give it to him whenever he's ready! :)


  1. What a great pic for your new start! It is a beautiful piece:)

  2. You're off to a great start! I'm going to be doing this SAL with Karen and company too!

  3. I am joining this SAL. I am waiting for my supplies. I see that you are off to a great start! I can't wait to get my fabric and threads!

  4. Quaker Garden does look fantastic on that linen - glad you are finding this one to be fun during your final anxious month - I will stick around, along with many others, to cheer you on, OK? LOL

  5. Your Quaker Garden looks wonderful!! Love reading your blog and seeing all your great projects.

  6. Congratulations on settling on a name! It is hard! Did you finally get Bradley to agree too? Lol
