My mom called today and she asked if I slept any. What kind of question is that?? Of course not! Maybe two, three hours at a time, which I'm grateful for, but I know my nights of sleeping nine to ten hours are long gone for awhile!
I guess while he's content in his swing I'll share his birth story...
Wednesday I went to the Doctor and he checked me. He said I was three centimeters. He then asked how I felt about being induced. I said normally I'd say no, but we are moving and on a time crunch. He said he'd call over to the hospital to see when they could do it.
He came back in and said "Today, Saturday, or Monday." Well obviously I said "Today!" Dh wanted Saturday, but I was able to convince him it would be better to do it that day. I went to the hospital about 12 pm and they hooked me up to the monitor and while I was laying there I actually started having contractions on my own, so it may have been that day anyway!
Between 3 and 4 pm the nurse started me on Pitocin and the Midwife came in around 5:00 pm to check me and break my water. She said I was at four centimeters. Well, after that the contractions started coming right on top of another and very painful! I was having to breathe through them and asked to get my epidural. Right before 7:00 (we were watching Seinfeld) the Midwife came back and asked if I was having any pressure and I said yes. She checked me again and I was completely dialated. She was amazed at how fast I went from 4 to 10 centimeters. I knew those contractions were pretty strong!!
They got the room all set up to deliver and I had him in about three pushes at 7:03 pm. Thankfully it was a very easy delivery. And so far he's been a really good baby! He's so tiny and sweet! My older boys look so big to me now! :) Here's a picture I took today...

Matthew - Three days old.I'm actually getting the urge to stitch a little something. I got Pear from Little House Needleworks in the mail while I was in the hospital. It looks like a fun, quick stitch. I may just work on that while he's taking a nap! :)

LHN Pear chart, 28 ct. Summer Khaki fabric, & Crescent Colours threads.