Saturday, July 01, 2006

Impatiently Waiting.....

...For the mail to come! I seriously doubt my Village will be in the mail today, but it doesn't stop me from hanging out by the window! :) If it doesn't come today I'm going to start Pomegranate Sampler by Hillside Samplings.

Pomegranate Sampler by Hillside Samplings

The fabric is 36 ct. Park City Blend by R&R and the threads Needlepoint Inc. silk. Thank you everyone for your nice comments on Quaker Garden. I woke up this morning and admired it... I wish the picture did it justice - it really turned out pretty! :) I'll do a mail update later!

Update: No Village in the mail - as I expected. :(


  1. Congratulations on finishing Quaker Garden, it's gorgeous

  2. I like the Pemegranate Sampler -- it is really neat. Sorry your village didn't arrive. Oh well, start constructing your village another day.

  3. Quaker Garden looks wonderful! Congratulations! Pomegranate Sampler will be lovely too - beautiful colourings.
