Friday, September 29, 2006
Where Have I been?
I went stitching again!

I also got a little bit done on my October LK Stamp. It's definitely slow going doing it over one, but I am liking how it's turning out. And at that shop they have LK flip-it blocks done over one and it looks so cute, so that motivated me to keep going. (Sorry for the crooked scan)

I took the cutest pictures of Matthew yesterday. He was napping on his tummy with his butt in the air. I just love baby feet!

Well, we are headed up to Georgia, so I won't have access to the internet while I'm away. I'll be back online Tuesday - write then! :)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Our Walk to the Beach

We didn't actually go in the water, or get pictures up close of the water because of Red Tide. There was a ton of dead fish on the shore. Not pretty! It didn't smell too nice either! Hopefully red tide will be gone soon, and then we can go in the water.
If the slideshow above isn't working click here.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I was bad!
We are going up to Georgia on Saturday (or Friday night) to get our house ready to sell. We're taking the baby and leaving the older boys with their grandma (my mother-in-law). My mom is going to be painting her terazzo floors. It should be lots of fun for everyone! :) Write later.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Lizzie Kate Flip-it Stamps
Sunday, September 24, 2006
One Medallion finished!
My baby is sleeping in the crib my mom bought him. It seems so strange not having him right here next to us in his bassinet. He was definitely starting to outgrow it though. It's so sweet to see all three boys sleeping together in the same room. The older boys have a bunk bed. Well, not much else going on! Write later!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Small Start....
Friday, September 22, 2006
Where There is Life - finished!
Matthew - 9 weeks.
I bought some silk!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The Token
Where There is Life....
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
LHN Where There is Life

LHN Where There is Life - Started 9/19/06
Originally uploaded by nevillen.
I decided to start this kit last night. It's a fun stitch so far. I think I'll have it done pretty quickly. Write more later! :)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Berries thread pack
The latest LHN/CC thread pack arrived yesterday from Handcrafts Online. The colors are very similar to Raspberry Patch. I also ordered the fabric, linen, and ribbon from Mary Kathryn. I'm sure it's going to be so pretty in person - I can't wait to see it! :) I'm thinking I may start the LHN kit (Where there is Life) I got from Elegant Stitch, or I may try to finish up that Pomegranate Sampler I started a few months ago. Hmmm... Decisions, decisions. :)
Raspberry Patch finished!
I got this finished up last night! I'm so happy to have it done! It was a fun project! Here are the stats...
Pattern: Country Cottage Needleworks - Raspberry Patch.
Fabric: 32 ct. R&R Sheeps Straw Linen.
Threads: DMC, Weeks Dye Works, and Crescent Colours.
Started 8/26/06 - Finished 9/18/06.
Now I'm trying to decide if I should finish something I've already got started, or start something new?? :) Maybe I'll do both!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Raspberry Patch as of 9/16/06
edited to add: Matthew slept all night - 10 hours! I couldn't believe it! :)
Friday, September 15, 2006
I Went to a Stitch-In!

And picked up a few things...

I got Birds of a Feather Alphabet Sampler for only $1! I also got The Goode Huswife's A Quaker Four Corners Sampler, Country Cottage Needleworks A Place We Call Home, and a pack of needles. :) It was definitely a good night and hopefully I can go back next week! Write more later!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My Crazy Life!
Anyway, enough about that! I knit some more on my sock, but it had ladders, and wasn't pretty. I think it was because I was using 4 needles instead of 5, which is what I'm used to. So I started over...

See those ugly lines? Those are ladders, not pretty!

My new start - so far no ladders.
I did work on Raspberry Patch a little bit this week. Mostly while in the car on the way to and from the in-law's this weekend.

The picture doesn't do it justice, it's really coming out pretty! Matthew is now eight weeks old! Time is flying! He is sleeping more at night about six hours at a time and then about fours hours after that. That's probably why I'm having trouble waking up in the morning... I'm not used to having so much sleep! :) Here's a couple of the latest pics of him...

Hanging out in his Boppy.

Holding on to his pacifier.
Well, that's all for now. I've been pretty busy working for my brother. I'm trying to get all his accounts balanced, bills entered, and next is going through his expense receipts... fun, fun! It's coming along though. I love the work, it's just not always easy finding the time to do it. Speaking of work, I'd better stop goofing off and get some done! :) Write later!
Friday, September 08, 2006
A Little Knitting...

Trekking XXL color #160 on size 1 dpns.
I also received a little stash in the mail from Elegant Stitch today. I got the LHN kit "Where There is Life." It's so pretty and all the proceeds go to charity. This isn't the greatest picture (pretty blurry), for a better pick click here.

Well, not much going on here. Matthew actually slept almost five hours at a time last night! That was nice! He's seven weeks now and getting so big!

Well, speaking of the baby - he just started crying, so I'll write more later!
Monday, September 04, 2006
More Raspberry Patch

LHN Raspberry Patch - Stitched on 32 ct. R&R Sheep's Straw Linen.
The party went fine - Chuck E. Cheese's was crazy!! I was exhausted when we finally got home. The kids loved it though. They had a blast eating pizza, cake, dancing with Chuck E. and playing a ton of games!

Bradley and Jake eating cake.

Jake opening presents (Dora Chutes and Ladders).

A quiet moment with Daddy and Matthew.
Matthew was very fussy all day yesterday. I am supplementing formula with nursing during the day. So I switched bottles and formula and he seems to be doing much better today. Hopefully he keeps doing well with the change.
I organized my room a little. It's hard not having my house where I had my china cabinet filled with cross stich and some china, but mostly stitching! :) So I turned some shelves I had with some baskets of stitching stuff so I can see it from the computer or from my bed. I put a basket of my needlerolls and fobs on it and a couple of framed pieces. The others are back in Georgia. Here's a couple of pics...

Click on the picture so you can see what's in each basket. :)

A close up of my needlerolls and fobs (mostly Shepherd's Bush).
Well, that's all for tonight! It's past my bedtime! Write more later! :)
Friday, September 01, 2006
Raspberry Patch

Country Cottage Needleworks Raspberry Patch - Started 8/26/06.
And now the stash...

LHN Lucy Fairchild and Pear Tree Inn w/Crescent Colours and 28 ct. Light Mocha Cashel.
I also stopped by Michaels today - they had the cutest little cases. I thought they would be good to hold WIPS or stash. Here's a pic...


I'm so glad today is Friday. It's been a long week. I didn't work too much (about 15 1/2 hours), but just keeping up with the kids and housework along with getting up all night with baby has left me so tired! I'm hoping he sleeps good tonight. I don't know what I'll do when he actually starts sleeping more than three hours at a time! :)
Tomorrow is Jake's birthday... he'll be four! It's so hard to believe! We're going to Chuck E. Cheese and I'm getting him a Spiderman cake. I'm sure he'll have a blast! All the reatives will be there, times like this make the move all worth it. It's so nice to have family close by!

Jake - the almost birthday boy!

Matthew - finally asleep tonight - for how long, who knows?? :)
Well, I'm either off to bed or off to stitch a little...we'll see which one wins. :) Unfortunately I'm guessing it will be sleep. Write more soon!