I went to my LNS today and picked out a few AVAS to replace some of the Vikki Clayton silks. I think most of them were right on, there were just a few that didn't really go. Anyway, I'm much happier with the more subtle look.
Well, I think I've realized why I've been starting so many projects. I'm anxious. It always happened when I was pregnant. I didn't realize that I may be anxious for my brother and my SIL. She's due with my niece on the 7th. I think I have been subconsiously anxious about the baby. I know, it's not my baby, but we are very close and I may be helping to take care of the baby when she goes back to work. It's just so exciting. And I worry though... I know how hard it was when I had my first baby. Everything is new and your life is turned upside down. Anyway, so I think I've come up with a cause for the startitis. By the way, she's in the hospital now, they're going to induce her because she had hypertension and gestational diabetes. I hope everything goes well for her. Please tell me not to start another new project tonight. I came very close. I need help. I need someone to tie down my hands! :) No, seriously I'll be fine. I'm going to work on my little January Flip-it, maybe I can actually finish something! Hopefully I'll have baby news next time I write! :)

I like the thread you switched to, I think it looks better too.
I just started one and still want to start another one. Everyone seems to be having startitis.
Much better match on your thread. Your start looks lovely - but just keep going on your WIPs. My thoughts are with the little one on the way!