I went to my LNS yesterday and was just looking through all the threads and I think I found an even prettier thread than the Prussion Blue.

Silk 'N Colors - Lotus FlowerThe owner recently started carrying Lakeside Linens, so of course I couldn't resist picking up a fat 1/4. It was very hard to decide between the colors, but I finally went with the Vintage Lentil. While I was browsing I also noticed he had some Hardwicke Manor hoops, so I picked up one of those to try out.

The other day we went to our first
Tampa Bay Devil Rays game (Tropicana Field is about 15 minutes away from my house). They were playing the Yankees and beat them pretty bad (sorry Yankee fans). It was a great game, probably one of the best games I've been to in a long time. The Devil Rays are definitely not the greatest team in baseball, but those young guys definitely have heart!
Anyway, enough about that - I promised to share the other new stash I got!

CCN Harvest Blessing w/threads and DT Red Lace Sewing Case from Handcrafts Online.I was thinking of using the Very Berry thread I got awhile ago to stitch the Red Lace Sewing Case. I think it would be so pretty espcially on a antique white or cream...

I also got a few things from Elegant Stitch. I ordered a fat 1/4 of Vintage Autumn Gold to stitch the new pattern I got "A Quaker Study." But when I received the fabric I knew right away that it was way too dark. Much darker than the picture on the pattern. I was pretty disappointed and hope I'll be able to use it for something else.

See the difference!Other than that I was happy with the two other things I got...

Indigo Rose's "Bead Blanket Sampler" and Shepherd's Bush "Soft Spring."Ok, this long, rambling post is finally coming to an end. I'll just share the latest picture I have of BBD "Their Song."
And I have to share this funny picture of Matthew...

He is always laughing and has such a great sense of humor. He also says "Ma ma," and "Da da." Waves hi and bye, gives high fives (low and high). He's just getting so big - I'll have to start planning his first birthday pretty soon - it's only 2 1/2 months away now! He's going to love diving into that cake! :)