Monday, August 13, 2007

Help Me!

I can not stop watching Gilmore Girls. It's truly a sickness now. Tanya watch out - it will happen to you. I haven't stitched in days - I don't want to miss anything. I did find a cool tin today.

It's one of the blue Hershey Kiss tins that Jane Timmers will be using in her new Fancy Work Design "My Country Sewing Set." I found it at the grocery store today. I wasn't sure if that was the right tin, so I only got one. Now that I know it is I may go back and get more if they still have them.

Well, that's all, I have to see what those Gilmore Girls will be up to next. I'm losing it!!! Write more tomorrow - hopefully I'll have something stitched to show you all! :)

Tin Update
- I found three more tins, email me if you'd like one!


  1. I know what you mean ~ I'm going through withdrawl waiting for the next disc from Netflix - should arrive tomorrow ~ it better!!! SUCH a good show.

  2. Way too cool tin! I'll have to haunt all of the stores in the area to try to find one :)

  3. Neat link of those smalls, thanks! I know what you're talking about with TV series addiction, I'm patiently waiting for Netflix to send me season 2 of Rome, and going crazy.

  4. YIPPEE! Glad you found a tin! Now I'm gonna go look at my grocery to see if I can find one! LOL! I won't tho' :(
    I keep hearing talk of these Gilmore Girls and I think I'm going to buy the first season to see what it's like....I'd never watched Grey's Anatomy until I bought season one last year....and now I'm hooked on it :)

  5. How cool that you found the tin! I see on the website that they are available at CVS and Publix, unfortunately, we have neither up north!

    Enjoy your TV watching...

  6. call me geeky, but i feel the same way about Jeopardy. i record it and watch several episodes a day.

  7. What a cute sewing set - I've never seen those Hershey's tins - I guess I should go and look for them now.

  8. My dil and I are both Gilmore Girls fans, but its hard to stitch while you watch, with so much going on all the time.

    I'll have to look for that tin, too. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. I have friends that are hooked too, but I haven't seen an episode myself. Congrats on finding the tin. I'll have to see if I can find one myself.
