I decided to get back to HP last night. I love the diamond motif that I'm working on now. It's so much fun!
I'm getting ready to go to South Carolina for the weekend. It's supposed to be cold up there tonight! I'm so glad there's a fireplace in the apartment. It's so cozy! :)
I thought I'd some questions before I go...
Danielle asked if there was a conversion to Crescent Colours for Brave Hearts and the answer is yes!
Cindy asked what type of 40 ct. linen I prefer. I definitely prefer Zwiegart Newcastle. Not Wichelt, which is too holey and stiff! I love lakeside Linens, which uses the Newcastle as it's base.
Anonymous asked if I was pregnant! He or She said I wouldn't say on my blog if I were. Well, that's not quite true.
I blabbed right away about Matthew. No, I'm not pregnant. My dad used to ask that when I got migraines. People who don't understand migraines seem to ask that! No, I think three kids are enough for me and dh! :)
Well, that's all for now! Write later! :)