I was feeling fine yesterday and then I got cold. Very Cold. I had the chills. The only thing that stopped me from shivering was to put on a turtleneck, sweater, sweatpants and get under a blanket and two quilts. I fell asleep all snug in my bed and then the kids came home from Walt Disney World (their Grandpa took them) and I felt sick again, but thankfully didn't get sick (I shouldn't have had that soup). I woke up this morning feeing much, much better. I did stitch a little bit on Sweet Treat's border yesterday (before the chills) and today...
I also stopped by my LNS today and picked up a pattern I had on my wishlist and the fabric for it.
I love the pattern and the fabric, but when I got it home I realized the Belle Soie Creme de Menthes that I have look nothing like the one the model was stitched with. In fact they look nothing like each other!
So I looked through my stash and came up with a few other choices...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Now I Know....
Now I know why I was so tired yesterday. I was getting sick. I woke up at 12 am and thought "uh oh." I was sick all night and finally started feeling better about 7 am. Another joy of having children. The wonderful bugs they bring home. My mom was so nice. She went out and got me seltzer water and bought me some pretty pink carnations. Don't they match my pink Ott-Lite perfectly?? :)
I did get a tiny bit more stitched on SoHRH before I gave in and went to sleep...
I did get a tiny bit more stitched on SoHRH before I gave in and went to sleep...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A little More Shores
I don't have too much more to share, but I now have a box, and not just a line. I also got some of the water stitched. I'm so sleepy again. I'm either going to have to make some coffee, or go to sleep early! :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Some Words
I finished up the words on Garden Girl today. I worked on it while listening to a new book. "The Right Attitude to Rain" by Alexander McCall Smith. I love these Isabel Dalhousie books. It makes me want to move to Edinburgh, or at least visit. I checked ticket prices, they're over $1000. I won't be going anytime soon. :) Here is my progress on Garden Girl...
Well, I just can't keep track of my hours while stitching. I'm always jumping up to get the kids something, or I will think of something I need to check online, or dh will call. It's just impossible. So I was thinking about going back to a daily rotation, but one day just isn't enough. It's too fast, you don't get to concentrate on one thing long enough. So I was thinking about a two day rotation. That would be about five hours for me. Give or take an hour or two depending on the day. So I made up a daily rotation sheet. Here's a link to download if anyone is interested...
Well, I'd better get to sleep. I haven't been getting up as early as I would like lately. The snooze button and I are way too familiar. Poor Matthew every time it goes off he stands up in his crib and then when I shut it off he lays back down and this is repeated for about 30 minutes until I finally get up. I must try to get up when it goes off the first time! I wish I could be one of those people that get up at five before anyone else - I guess I'm more of a night owl. Anyway, off to bed! Write later! :)
Well, I just can't keep track of my hours while stitching. I'm always jumping up to get the kids something, or I will think of something I need to check online, or dh will call. It's just impossible. So I was thinking about going back to a daily rotation, but one day just isn't enough. It's too fast, you don't get to concentrate on one thing long enough. So I was thinking about a two day rotation. That would be about five hours for me. Give or take an hour or two depending on the day. So I made up a daily rotation sheet. Here's a link to download if anyone is interested...
Well, I'd better get to sleep. I haven't been getting up as early as I would like lately. The snooze button and I are way too familiar. Poor Matthew every time it goes off he stands up in his crib and then when I shut it off he lays back down and this is repeated for about 30 minutes until I finally get up. I must try to get up when it goes off the first time! I wish I could be one of those people that get up at five before anyone else - I guess I'm more of a night owl. Anyway, off to bed! Write later! :)
Garden Girl
Since my eyes were so tired last night I decided to start Country Cottage Needleworks "Garden Girl." I worked on it until 11:30 pm and almost finished up "Queen of Swords" by Sara Donati. I ended up finishing it this morning. It was a great book. I'd love to find the other books on CD in the series. Anyway, here's what I got done on Garden Girl last night.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Woo Hoo - My big start!
Yes, that's sarcasm! I started this last night, but realized today that I can't add or subtract. For the width I have a four inch border, but for the length I only have two inches. Well, for some reason my brain stopped working last night and I thought I had four inches all around. So I had to rip and restitch today. So all I have is a line. A black line of 92 stitches.

The fabric I'm using is 40 ct. Mockingbird by R&R. I actually bought it for Quaker Christmas, but thought it was too dark. It ended being perfect for this design.
Well, I think I'm going to get back into a rotation, so I can get some more things finished. I was thinking of trying a five or ten hour rotation. Although I've never been too good at keeping track of hours. Maybe I'll just do days again? I don't know?? Anyway I made a rotation sheet to help me keep track of hours if I decide to go that route. Here's a link if anyone is interested...
I also uploaded my cross stitch organizer, which you must have access to use. One day I'd like to make it so you don't have to have access to use it. I'm still researching it. I think you have to have runtime, which is free, but I don't know how to make it all work. One day when I have more time I'll work on it!
Well, that's all for today. I'm so sleepy, but I want to stitch. I may have to put SoHRH away until tomorrow and work on something on a bigger fabric count. I don't know if my eyes can deal with 40 ct. right now. :) Write later!
Well, I think I'm going to get back into a rotation, so I can get some more things finished. I was thinking of trying a five or ten hour rotation. Although I've never been too good at keeping track of hours. Maybe I'll just do days again? I don't know?? Anyway I made a rotation sheet to help me keep track of hours if I decide to go that route. Here's a link if anyone is interested...
I also uploaded my cross stitch organizer, which you must have access to use. One day I'd like to make it so you don't have to have access to use it. I'm still researching it. I think you have to have runtime, which is free, but I don't know how to make it all work. One day when I have more time I'll work on it!
Well, that's all for today. I'm so sleepy, but I want to stitch. I may have to put SoHRH away until tomorrow and work on something on a bigger fabric count. I don't know if my eyes can deal with 40 ct. right now. :) Write later!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Poinsettias and Pines Finally Finished!
I just finished it up tonight. I was determined! It took exactly three months.
Blue Ribbon Designs "Poinsettias and Pines"
Fabric: 40 ct. Luna by Lakeside Linens
Threads: Belle Soie Silks
Started: 11/24/07 - Finished: 2/24/08
Fabric: 40 ct. Luna by Lakeside Linens
Threads: Belle Soie Silks
Started: 11/24/07 - Finished: 2/24/08
Now I'm thinking of starting Shores of Hawk Run Hollow. I know, totally crazy considering I only have 1 and 1/2 blocks finished on Houses and less than one block finished on the Village. Oh well, maybe I'll finish them all one day - when the kids are in college?? :) Write later!
edited to add better picture.
edited to add better picture.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sweet Treats!
Well, I decided to get a start on CCN "Sweet Treats" last night. I was going to use the fabric I had coffee-dyed, but then decided it was too light, so then I decided to tea dye it. And then it was too dark. I then decided to tea dye a piece of white lugana and it turned out just right. Sounds like Goldilocks and the Three Bears! :) The only problem was the thread for the words "Sweet Treats" was too light. So I decided to use Weeks Dye Works Bright Leaf instead of the called for CC Peanut Brittle.
Friday, February 22, 2008
New Stash!
And I don't have to feel guilty about it! This is the stash that I bought with my paypal money. I got the first half of my order from Handcrafts Online today. Thanks MK! :)

CCN "Sweet Treats" and LHN "Heart of America" and "Herbal Tea"

Heart of America

Sweet Treats with my own 28 ct. Coffee-dyed Cashel linen
I'm just waiting on the linen for "Heart of America" and the limited edition kit "My Needle's Work." I'm in a kitting up mood lately because once I move and I'm not working we are going to be on a tight budget! Seriously tight! I'm not upset about it. It won't be forever, but I'm trying to get used to it now, so it's not so hard in a few months! It will be so worth it though! I would do anything for our family to be together again. I can't wait! :) Only about three months now! Thankfully time seems to be going fairly quick. It's almost time to start looking for a place to rent. Well, kids are wanting to play a game. Write later!

CCN "Sweet Treats" and LHN "Heart of America" and "Herbal Tea"

Heart of America

Sweet Treats with my own 28 ct. Coffee-dyed Cashel linen
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Abigail Colby's Work Basket

I just got the Attic Needlework newsletter and saw this basket! It's "Abigail Colby's Work Basket" by Primitive Traditions. I love it! Why do designers have to do this to me?? Well, I won't be getting it anytime soon - the kit is $119, but that does include the basket! Man, I wish I had a birthday coming up (don't I sound like a little kid?)!
Cherry Hill Finished!
I finally got it finished up last night! I love how it turned out. I actually made a mistake and made the roof the wrong color. It's supposed to be DMC 3371. I don't think I'm going to rip it out. I
I went to my LNS yesterday to get a few silk threads I was needing and I couldn't resist the Lakeside Linen's bin any longer. I ended up getting my favorite of the bunch...
32 ct. Vintage Luna! Yum, yum!! I also got the new Lizzie Kate ABC Crazy. Mainly because one of the names on the front is Jake, which is my five year old's name. I told him I would stitch it for him. :)
Now, I think I'm going to get back to Poinesettias and Pines. I'm determined to get it finished! Write later!
Country Cottage Needleworks "Cherry Hill"
Fabric: 32 ct. Antique White Lugana
Threads: Crescent Colours and DMC
Started: 2/14/08 - Finished: 2/20/08
Fabric: 32 ct. Antique White Lugana
Threads: Crescent Colours and DMC
Started: 2/14/08 - Finished: 2/20/08
I went to my LNS yesterday to get a few silk threads I was needing and I couldn't resist the Lakeside Linen's bin any longer. I ended up getting my favorite of the bunch...
32 ct. Vintage Luna! Yum, yum!! I also got the new Lizzie Kate ABC Crazy. Mainly because one of the names on the front is Jake, which is my five year old's name. I told him I would stitch it for him. :)
Now, I think I'm going to get back to Poinesettias and Pines. I'm determined to get it finished! Write later!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Cherry Hill and Winter Whites
I got a little bit more stitched last night. I've been listening to Nora Roberts "High Noon" and I'm almost finished with it. It motivated me to keep stitching last night.
I was also playing fashion show again today. I really like Shepherd's Bush's version of Winter Whites on a hand-dyed blue linen. So I decided to pull the threads on a couple pieces of blue linen that I had. I really like this one - it's 32 ct. Dwarf by Picture this Plus.

I was also playing fashion show again today. I really like Shepherd's Bush's version of Winter Whites on a hand-dyed blue linen. So I decided to pull the threads on a couple pieces of blue linen that I had. I really like this one - it's 32 ct. Dwarf by Picture this Plus.

It's not as dark as the Shepherd's Bush version, but I still think it would be pretty. Who knows when I'd actually start it! I was looking through Cindy's Webshot album (hi Cindy!) and saw that she had finished Poinsettias and Pines. It gorgeous and seeing it really makes me want to get mine finished! Well, I really should be working (filing). I've been procrastinating. I'm just wondering how long I'll be allowed to get away with that!! Probably not much longer! Write later! :)
edited to add...
Now I think I like 32 ct. Misty Blue Belfast better. It's not as bright as the other, although its a little hard to tell in the picture.

Yes, I'm still procrastinating.
edited to add...
Now I think I like 32 ct. Misty Blue Belfast better. It's not as bright as the other, although its a little hard to tell in the picture.
Yes, I'm still procrastinating.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Little More Cherry Hill
I worked on Cherry Hill some last night and today. I've mostly been stitching grass. I'm almost done with that thankfully!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hi Y'all!
I'm practicing for when I move back South. You'd think I'd be in the South now, but I'm not. I consider Florida the Northern South. Everyone here is from somewhere else like Michigan (my family), Ohio, New York, etc. I can't wait to move back to the South. I can't wait to have some decent barbecue and sweet tea again! :) Anyway, it's just a lazy Sunday here. And I mean lazy! I took a shower and put on some clean pajamas. I have no intention of leaving the house today!
I started Country Cottage Needleworks "Cherry Hill" the other day. I just love all the pink! I'm stitching it on 32 ct. Antique White Lugana.
I needed something quick and fun! It shouldn't take me too long to finish. I also got some fabric I ordered for Drawn Thread's "Random Thoughts." I've had the pattern and threads for a long time now, but after seeing Blandine's stitched I decided to get the fabric. I just love it!!
Well, today is not completely lazy, I'm doing laundry and I guess I'd better get back to it! Write Later! :)
I started Country Cottage Needleworks "Cherry Hill" the other day. I just love all the pink! I'm stitching it on 32 ct. Antique White Lugana.
I needed something quick and fun! It shouldn't take me too long to finish. I also got some fabric I ordered for Drawn Thread's "Random Thoughts." I've had the pattern and threads for a long time now, but after seeing Blandine's stitched I decided to get the fabric. I just love it!!
Well, today is not completely lazy, I'm doing laundry and I guess I'd better get back to it! Write Later! :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Well, it's finally here. The day of flowers, candy and romance and my dh is hundreds of miles away. Oh well, what can you do?? I'm still having a good day regardless! It was made better when I got a sweet card from Tanya in the mail!
She included a cut of pretty pink linen and a cute little heart button! I love it Tanya, thank you so much!!
I did get a little stitching done last night. I finally finished up the tree row on Poinsettias and Pines. I'm so glad to have that row done!!
I'll be so glad when it's completely finished! Well, I'm watching four kids right now, so I'd better go! Write later and Happy Valentine's Day! :)
She included a cut of pretty pink linen and a cute little heart button! I love it Tanya, thank you so much!!
I did get a little stitching done last night. I finally finished up the tree row on Poinsettias and Pines. I'm so glad to have that row done!!
I'll be so glad when it's completely finished! Well, I'm watching four kids right now, so I'd better go! Write later and Happy Valentine's Day! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Forever Yours Finished!
Boy, it seems like it took me forever to finish this little design. I guess I was more tired than I realized from all that driving. I finally got it finished up last night.

Lizzie Kate "Forever Yours"
Fabric: 28 ct. Soft Rose/White Gingham Graziano Linen
Threads: GAST and WDW
Started: 2/7/08 - Finished: 2/12/08

Lizzie Kate "Forever Yours"
Fabric: 28 ct. Soft Rose/White Gingham Graziano Linen
Threads: GAST and WDW
Started: 2/7/08 - Finished: 2/12/08
I'm going to try to get myself on a rotation of some sort. I definitely want to get Poinsettias and Pines and Brave Hearts finished up so I can get started on some of the new designs. I was so bad and ordered the two new LHN's. I just love them! I couldn't resist. I have about 15 other things on my wishlist that I did resist, so I guess that's good. :)
Write later!
Write later!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A little More Valentine's
Did I mention I love Valentine's Day? I started another smallish design by Lizzie Kate. It's "Forever Yours" from the Love Crazy leaflet. I haven't got much done because I decided to come up to South Carolina for the weekend. My brother and his wife are down from Michigan and they're in my room, so I decided to escape!!

I'm hoping to get home around 8 pm tonight and then hopefully I'll be able to get some stitching in (if I don't just crash). Only four months now until we move up here - I can't wait! We don't have a place yet. We'll have to wait until April or May to start looking because we are just going to rent something for a couple of years. Well, not much else! Write later! :)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I Was Good Today!
I went to my LNS to get some threads and a couple other little things I was needing and he had gotten a shipment of Lakeside Linens. Oh they were so pretty. My heart was pounding. I was like a junkie needing a fix, but I closed the drawer where they were kept and walked away. I was so proud of myself!! :)
I was also good and worked on Poinsettias and Pines today. I would really love to get it finished up. I'm not too far away from being finished!
I was also good and worked on Poinsettias and Pines today. I would really love to get it finished up. I'm not too far away from being finished!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
A Teeny Tiny Finish
I guess what I need to do is stick to small projects. Very small projects. This little heart took me no time at all to stitch. I got this cute little tuck-a-way at Golden Needle last Saturday and had to find something to put in it.
SamSarah "I Love You"
Fabric: 32 ct. Natural Light French Country Linen
Threads: Weeks
Started and Finished: 2/5/08
Fabric: 32 ct. Natural Light French Country Linen
Threads: Weeks
Started and Finished: 2/5/08
I'm just loving these little Valentine projects. :) Well, I'm off to bed now! Write later!
I Have a Major Case of Startitis!
I always do this when I'm stressed... Start a bunch of projects (usually huge). I feel like I can't settle down to one thing. I'm stressed about moving and the fact that my brother is getting ready to put the house we're in on the market. It's going to be hard to show a house with three kids (sometimes four)! Oh well, I can't think about it too much. I wish we were already settled in South Carolina. I'm usually a live in the moment type person, enjoy each day as it comes, but in the situation I wish I could fast forward a little bit to the future!
So the latest thing I started was Ink Circles "Cirque Des Cercles." I really just wanted to see how the thread would look on the fabric and then I stitched on it some more last night, so I guess it's officially a start. :)

And I really want to start this....
It's taking all my willpower not to start it, but I have very little of that lately, so don't be surprised if you see a wip pic soon. :)
Anyway, in order to ease my guilt a little over my recent spending binge I've put some things on ebay.
Just Cross Stitch Magazines
Vera Bradley Classic Black Little Travel Case (yes, I forgot to share that I got another one, which I don't need)!
Very Bradley Capri Melon Little Travel Case (I like this one, but it really doesn't go with my other bags).
I have also added some more items to my For Sale Album. :) Write later! If you are interested in anything please email me at nicoleneville@aol.com. I tend to miss it if just a comment is left! Thanks!!
So the latest thing I started was Ink Circles "Cirque Des Cercles." I really just wanted to see how the thread would look on the fabric and then I stitched on it some more last night, so I guess it's officially a start. :)

The fabric is 40 ct. Antique White Newcastle linen and the thread is DMC Variations 4210. I'm using two strands over two. The coverage is a little thick, but I thought it was too thin with just one.
And I really want to start this....
It's taking all my willpower not to start it, but I have very little of that lately, so don't be surprised if you see a wip pic soon. :)
Anyway, in order to ease my guilt a little over my recent spending binge I've put some things on ebay.
Just Cross Stitch Magazines
Vera Bradley Classic Black Little Travel Case (yes, I forgot to share that I got another one, which I don't need)!
Very Bradley Capri Melon Little Travel Case (I like this one, but it really doesn't go with my other bags).
I have also added some more items to my For Sale Album. :) Write later! If you are interested in anything please email me at nicoleneville@aol.com. I tend to miss it if just a comment is left! Thanks!!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Thread Pulls (AKA Cross Stitch Fashion Show)
I decided to pull some of the threads for some of things I'd like to start next. The first is LHN "Home of a Needleworker (Too)." The threads are all Crescent Colours and the fabric is 32 ct. Vintage Light Examplar.
Aren't they gorgeous! The next one is CCN "Garden Girl" I just love this pattern. It's so pretty and dainty.
The threads are all DMC, but one Crescent Colour. The fabric is 32 ct. Lambswool Jobelan. Another CCN I'd like to start sometime in the future is "Cherry Hill." I love the pinks and the sheep. It's just so cute! :)
The threads are Crescent Colours and DMC and the fabric is 32 ct. Antique White Lugana. I had "Valentine Wishes" with the wrong fabric yesterday. Here's another picture with the right fabric...
Not that it's a huge difference! This fabric is unknown. I told Lois from Elegant Stitch to pick out a pretty pink fabric for it and she chose this. I think it's by R&R and could possibly be the fabric it's called for which is "For the Cure Pink." I'll have to ask Lois because it wasn't labeled.
The 32 ct. Bittersweet is actually for a different pattern that I forgot to share. It's one I got earlier in the week from Down Sunshine Lane.
It's Bluebird Designs new pattern "Small Tokens of Affection." And you all are so right my stash diet will never last. I'm sure it will have to wait until after Nashville. There are just too many cute things coming out!! I may have to find some more things to put up for sale in order to get anything though!! :) Write later!
Aren't they gorgeous! The next one is CCN "Garden Girl" I just love this pattern. It's so pretty and dainty.
The threads are all DMC, but one Crescent Colour. The fabric is 32 ct. Lambswool Jobelan. Another CCN I'd like to start sometime in the future is "Cherry Hill." I love the pinks and the sheep. It's just so cute! :)
The threads are Crescent Colours and DMC and the fabric is 32 ct. Antique White Lugana. I had "Valentine Wishes" with the wrong fabric yesterday. Here's another picture with the right fabric...
Not that it's a huge difference! This fabric is unknown. I told Lois from Elegant Stitch to pick out a pretty pink fabric for it and she chose this. I think it's by R&R and could possibly be the fabric it's called for which is "For the Cure Pink." I'll have to ask Lois because it wasn't labeled.
The 32 ct. Bittersweet is actually for a different pattern that I forgot to share. It's one I got earlier in the week from Down Sunshine Lane.
It's Bluebird Designs new pattern "Small Tokens of Affection." And you all are so right my stash diet will never last. I'm sure it will have to wait until after Nashville. There are just too many cute things coming out!! I may have to find some more things to put up for sale in order to get anything though!! :) Write later!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
I Love the Super Bowl...
...Sales that is. :) I went down to Golden Needle today and I'm ashamed to admit I went a little crazy. I was going to be so good. I had a budget. A set amount that I was going to spend and once I started putting things in my little basket I just couldn't stop! I need my head checked - the impulse part of my brain went a little haywire today! Anyway, I did find some great deals.
There were some $1 dollar charts...
Some $2 and $4 charts...

The Needle's Prayse "The Teaching Sampler," Drawn Thread "The Night Before Christmas," and Earth Threads "Flower Gaiety."
And a Chessie and Me "English Cottage Sampler" all kitted up for only $10...
I'm guessing Cathy (shop owner) took this class, but never finished it - she asked me to finish it for her. :)
And the rest was 20% off...

Shepherd's Bush "Tending the Flowers" and "Keeping the Bees"

CCN "Garden Girl"

32 ct. Vintage Examplar and Vintage Light Examplar by Lakeside Linens
There were some $1 dollar charts...
Some $2 and $4 charts...
The Needle's Prayse "The Teaching Sampler," Drawn Thread "The Night Before Christmas," and Earth Threads "Flower Gaiety."
And a Chessie and Me "English Cottage Sampler" all kitted up for only $10...
I'm guessing Cathy (shop owner) took this class, but never finished it - she asked me to finish it for her. :)
And the rest was 20% off...
Shepherd's Bush "Tending the Flowers" and "Keeping the Bees"
CCN "Garden Girl"
32 ct. Vintage Examplar and Vintage Light Examplar by Lakeside Linens
I also found some lighter linen to go with Christmas Tea. It's Vintage Tundra by Lakeside and I like it so much better than the Vintage River Willow. And if all this stash buying weren't bad enough there were a couple of orders waiting for me when I got home. As if I weren't feeling guilty enough!!
I got this from Elegant Stitch...
And I got this from Handcrafts Online (paid for with my paypal money - at least this one is somewhat guilt free!)
LHN "Schoolgirl Lessons" with Belle Soie Rose of SharonI got this from Elegant Stitch...
And I got this from Handcrafts Online (paid for with my paypal money - at least this one is somewhat guilt free!)
I should really be ashamed of myself, but I'm too happy wallowing in my stash to care at the moment! :) Maybe tomorrow. The stash diet will start then too! I mean it this time! Really!! :)
Oh, wait - I do have a wip pic to share. I finally finished a big motif on Hanky Pysanky...
And last, but not least I want to thank Nicki and Su for the You Make My Day Award. I feel so honored and humbled! That was so sweet of both them. I love their blogs and they make my day too! :) There are way too many people that make my day everyday - So I award all my readers with the You Make My Day Award! Thank you all for all your kind comments and your support! It really means so much to me!!
P.S. you also get an award if you made it to the end of this very long post!
Oh, wait - I do have a wip pic to share. I finally finished a big motif on Hanky Pysanky...
And last, but not least I want to thank Nicki and Su for the You Make My Day Award. I feel so honored and humbled! That was so sweet of both them. I love their blogs and they make my day too! :) There are way too many people that make my day everyday - So I award all my readers with the You Make My Day Award! Thank you all for all your kind comments and your support! It really means so much to me!!
P.S. you also get an award if you made it to the end of this very long post!
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