Taken from
Monique's Blog...
1.) How do you hold your fabric? I stitch in hand so I roll the fabric up from the left side and hold the roll with my left hand. (same as Monique).
2) Floss licker? Only when I can't find my threader.
3) How do you thread your needle? With my threader.
5) Are you a needle loser? Oh yeah. And unfortunately my husband's feet usually find them! Ouch!!
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? Belfast linen is my favorite.
7) Bobbins or floss bags? Both and I also use Thread Drops.
8) Are you a scissors collector? Yes, I have way too many!
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? I used to. I pinned.
10) Are you a floss floozy? Yes, but I'm actually more of a Fabric whore!
11) Silk? Yes, I love silk!
12) Railroader? Only when it seems like my thread is getting twisty and it looks like it needs it, but not every stitch.
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? It depends. If I know a designer has copied another designer that I like I won't buy their patterns. I don't think that's right.
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? Yes, I always worry that it's not good enough.
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? I think I reached it years ago!
16) Do you wash your projects? Only if I'm not using hand-dyed threads or fabric. So I guess the answer would be no because I'm always using one or the other lately.
I'm not doing anything today. Today is a pajama day for me. I took a shower and put on clean pajamas! :) I decided to get "Heart of America" back out and I stitched on that a little bit yesterday and today.

Well, I'm going to get back to my stitching! Write later! :)

P.S. Melody still hasn't claimed her prize!! If she still hasn't done so by Tuesday, April 22, 12 pm, I will draw again. If anyone knows Melody - please let her know!!