I thought I would have my little Lizzie Kate design finished by now, but I'm not done yet! Maybe today? Well, I did start another little LK design for Habitat for Humanity (
see Martha's here), so that slowed me down too. Tuesday night I went to my first Photoshop class. It was fun. I did learn quite a bit. I'm glad I decided to take it. Last night I went stitching at
Golden Needle. That was fun as always. I was so tired that I almost didn't go, but I made myself because I don't know when I'll be able to get down there again.
Of course I got a little bit of stash. I scoured the bargin basket and found some good deals! :)
I got an Amy Mitten kit for only $5 (notice the names of the threads - aren't they great?)! And I also got a tiny Just Nan chart (Crystal Heart) with beads and fabric for $1.50! So I made out pretty well. :)
I have decided to join the Happy Home Sampler SAL with Becky, Amy, Vonna, Lynda, Jan, and Myrna - am I missing anyone? It's such a pretty sampler! I'm just trying decide on the fabric...
I really like the one above, which is 32 ct. Vintage Lentil, but I don't think I have enough fabric, so I'm leaning towards the one below, which is 34 ct. Cafe au Lait.

Well, I'm going up to SC this weekend to help my dh move from his apt. to the condo. So that means even less stitching. But it will be worth it the end because I will have a summer filled with stitching! :) Write later!