I haven't been able to stitch lately for some reason. I'm feeling restless. I don't know if it's because my dad and his wife are coming or what? I've been cleaning and trying to have everything look nice for them. We also got new living room furniture on Wednesday, so that has occupied my time some. We got a black leather couch, love seat and tables from Rooms to Go. Normally, I wouldn't chose black leather, but dh likes it and I was thinking it would be practical with three boys. I got some pillows and lamps to warm it up some. Here's a pic...
It's not the greatest pic, but I think you get the idea. :) As far as stitching I have been fleeting from one thing to the next. Trying to settle on something. I stitched a little bit more on my Stacy Nash pillow..
And I decided to start Lizzie Kate's "Christmas is Forever" kit. I just got a little bit stitched on that yesterday...
And today while looking through
Andrea's albums I came across her "
With my Needle" by The Goode Huswife and fell in love! I realized I have that pattern after doing a search. So I pulled the DMC. I can't decide whether to use 32 ct. linen or 40. I should probably go with the 32 since I can only stand stitching on 40 ct. for so long! Here's a pic of the threads on 40 ct. Light Examplar...

Well, my dad just called and he's on his way! Write later (hopefully with some stitching progress to share)!