Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Houses of Hawk Run Hollow - Block 4

Saturday night I worked on Ellen Birdseye a little bit. I think we've come to some sort of truce. :)

Sunday I didn't stitch at all because I woke up with a major case of vertigo. I'm still a little dizzy and spacey, but nothing like I was on Sunday. Yesterday I worked on HoHRH. I don't think I'm going to make my goal of finishing the fourth house by the end of the month. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about it. I'll finish it when I can.

HoHRH as of 4/27/09

Close up of House #4

I made a few changes to this block. I used black and green on the steps instead of lt. green and green and I filled in the windows with black instead of the green. I just wanted to give it a little more contrast. I got the idea for the windows from Tanya. Check out her beautiful stitching album here.

Well, nothing else going on here. Write soon! :)


  1. Looks great! Hope that dizziness goes away soon! No fun!

  2. Love it! I can't wait to start this project.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Looking good! I sure hope that vertigo has gone away!

  4. The houses are looking good.

    About your vertigo ... a friend had to have the crystals in her inner ear adjusted, and she's been fine since. It can be so many different things.

  5. You know those windows have been bugging me. I'm going to start filling in mine tomorrow - I like the idea of a different color than what is charted. I'll think about doing that tonight. :-) Hope you feel better soon!

  6. The houses area looking great and I also really like the black in the windows. Hope your vertigo goes away soon. I've had it before too and it can hang on for a long time. Hope yours does not!

  7. Your stitching is looking fantastical!! I suffer from Vertigo as well! Glad to hear that it has settled down for you!

  8. I hope you're feeling better soon, Nicole! Your Houses block looks great. I was hoping to get another block done on Shores by the 30th, too, but those blocks are stitch intensive!

  9. Hi Nicole,
    Looks awesome!!!


  10. Your house looks wonderful, that black really defines it! So sorry to hear about your vertigo, if it continues you might consider going to the doctor, you could have an inner ear infection. Take care!

  11. Hope you feel better soon. Your HoHRH looks stunning!

  12. I hope you are feeling better soon! Your changes look great!

  13. It's coming along so nicely Nicole.

    Hope you're feeling better. Vertigo is the worse.

  14. So sorry to hear about your case of vertigo. I've only had that once and because I didn't know what it was, was scared half to death! Hope that you're feeling better today. And your Houses is looking great and I do like the color changes that you made! I'm still trudging along on Shores - Block #3 - stitch intensive and I think I need a break!

  15. Great stitching. Love the ornament you did for Karen, I've got to finish my ornament for her.

  16. Wow!! These houses look amazing!!!
    I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well. I hope you get rit of that verigo soon!!!!

  17. Nicole, the windows and stairs look wonderful! Great progress.

  18. Oh my goodness, your HoHRH is absolutel stunning!

  19. I love how you Houses are coming along. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  20. I love the colors on that...it does make a difference...good choice there...us stitchers are allowed to change our colors on our projects.

    Beautiful progress...

    Take care & Happy Stitching

  21. Your getting there...looks great. Hope you are feeling better.

  22. I love the changes you made. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
