I got the funky red and green bird stitched along with some leaves and pears on the middle tree. Oh, and the teeny, tiny bird on the leaf. It's over one. I was going to do a full stitch, but it wasn't looking right, so I decided to just do a half stitch.
For my birthday, which is today, I decided to start "Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow." I'm loving it already and I only have three sides of a border stitched. I'm using NPI silks and 40 ct. Vintage Examplar.
I also got a little bit of stash in the mail yesterday for my birthday. I got some 40 ct. Days Gone By and "Not Forgotten Sampler" by Chessie and Me. The chart calls for Gentle Arts Simply Wool on 32 ct., but I thought I would just go with regular Sampler Threads on 40 ct.
Well, after I do a little laundry, I plan to stitch the day away! Write later!