Well, I actually got home yesterday around 12:30 pm. I was going to stay later and do some stuff around Myrtle Beach, but decided to get home to babies instead! :) They were all happy to see me and I was so happy to see them. Distance (even for a couple days) definitely makes the heart grow fonder. :)
My dh is such a sweetie - he had the house all clean and the dishes done, so all I had to do was get lunches ready for the coming week.
Anyway, I promised to share pics of my exchange pieces. Here is what I gave...

I had stitched it awhile ago, but never got around to finishing it, so I decided to finish it for the gift exchange. I only took it apart three times - I just could not get it right - it's still not perfect, but oh well.
Michele ended up getting it in the end (she traded with someone to get it). :)
I actually got Michele's pin cushion in the end, but someone asked me to trade (she really wanted it, so I reluctantly said yes), but it wasn't a bad deal because I ended up getting
Karen's sweet little Shepherd's Bush pin cushion.

And speaking of Michele and Karen they gave me a surprise package when I arrived! In it was a very nice card and this adorable pin cushion made by Michele and scissor fob made by Karen (attached to my Premax scissors). Thank you both so much!! It really made my day!

Well, I still can't believe how fast the weekend went and now it's. Back to reality and back to cleaning and doing laundry (Matthew decided to destroy the house today - it's amazing how fast he can do that). Write soon!!

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