- Elizabeth Hunter by The Scarlett House - 40 ct. Vintage Sand Dune and the called for cotton threads.
- Sarah Redfearn by The Scarlett House - 40 ct. Vintage Examplar by Lakeside Linens and the called for silk threads with two exceptions: I used Gentle Arts Lexington Green instead of Belle Soie Shepherd's Pasture and Belle Soie Tortoise Shell instead of Belle Soie Chocolat.
- Ann Uffindell by Hands Across the Sea Samplers - 40 ct. Creme Brulee by R&R and the called for AVAS Soie d'Alger silk threads.
- Jane Stanwix 1843 by Samplers Revisted - 40 ct. Vintage Meadow Rue and cotton thread conversion by The Country Sampler.
- Mary Barres Sampler by Stacy Nash Primitives - Restarted on 40 ct. Creme Brulee by R&R and the called for cotton threads.
- The Plantation Sampler by Canterbury Designs - 40 ct. Fog by Picture this Plus and thread conversion by Tanya Brockmeyer. Click here to see her beautiful finished sampler!
- Rose Wreath Sampler (C. Matthews 1841) by Gigi R - 46 ct. Vintage Lt. Examplar by Lakeside Linens and the called for cotton threads.
- Sarah Stewart Hardman by NeedleWorkPress - 40 ct. Vintage Buttercream by Lakeside Linens and the called for cotton threads.
- From Fire Poppies in Summerville, SC - Fat 1/2 Creme Brulee by R&R, Mary Clayton and AVAS Soie d'Alger silk threads and Fat 1/2 of 40 ct. Lt. Mocha by Zweigart.
- From 123 Stitch - Mary Ann Farmer by The Scarlett House and a few NPI silk threads.
- From The Stitch & Frame Shop in Rock Hill, SC - Fat 1/4 40 ct. Fog by Picture this plus and Fat 1/8 Vintage Pecan Butter and Vintage Lt. Examplar by Lakeside Linens.
- From In Stitches in Alexandria, VA - Fat 1/2 of 40 ct. and 46 ct. Vintage Lt. Examplar and fat 1/4 of Vintage Buttercream by Lakeside Linens and two Gigi R charts - Rose Wreath Sampler (along with the threads) and Miss Manners.